Monday, April 29, 2019

Town Hall

Teutonia Reconstruction Project

The City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works (DPW) will conduct a reconstruction project of North Teutonia Avenue from West Garfield Avenue to West Groeling Avenue beginning Monday, April 29, 2019, weather permitting. To minimize how construction will impact residents, businesses, and the traveling public, the project will be split into two major stages* with anticipated completion in December 2019:
Stage 1 (beginning the week of April 29): The southbound lane of North Teutonia Avenue will be closed for construction. One lane of northbound traffic will be maintained on the east side of the roadway. Side streets on the west side of the project will be closed. The following intersections will be open to east-westbound through traffic: North Ave, Locust and Center.
Stage 2: The northbound lane of North Teutonia Avenue will be closed for construction. One lane of southbound traffic will be maintained on the newly completed roadway. Side streets on the east side of the project will be closed. The following intersections will be open to east-westbound through traffic: North Ave, Locust and Center.
The project will remove the deteriorated pavement and replacing it with new concrete pavement, curbs & gutters, and driveway approaches. The addition of traffic calming measures, including curb bump outs and medians, will also be added. All sidewalk and pedestrian curb ramps will be rebuilt. New street lighting will be installed throughout the project and traffic signals will be replaced at intersections. The finished roadway will have one driving lane, bicycle lane and parking lane in each direction.
Pedestrian access will be maintained to abutting properties during construction with the least amount of inconvenience. Short-term disruptions will occur when sidewalks are being removed and rebuilt.
Bus Route: #12 will be re-routed via 7th/8th from Walnut to Burleigh in both directions for the entire project. Signage will be posted to indicate where to board along the detour. There are no planned detours for cross routes 21 North Ave., 22 Center St., and 80 via Locust/Hopkins. Stops impacted near these corresponding intersections will be signed to board at nearby alternatives as needed.
Parking: On-street parking is not allowed during construction.

Teutonia Reconstruction Project

The City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works (DPW) will conduct a reconstruction project of North Teutonia Avenue from West Garfield Avenue to West Groeling Avenue beginning Monday, April 29, 2019, weather permitting. To minimize how construction will impact residents, businesses, and the traveling public, the project will be split into two major stages* with anticipated completion in December 2019:
Stage 1 (beginning the week of April 29): The southbound lane of North Teutonia Avenue will be closed for construction. One lane of northbound traffic will be maintained on the east side of the roadway. Side streets on the west side of the project will be closed. The following intersections will be open to east-westbound through traffic: North Ave, Locust and Center.
Stage 2: The northbound lane of North Teutonia Avenue will be closed for construction. One lane of southbound traffic will be maintained on the newly completed roadway. Side streets on the east side of the project will be closed. The following intersections will be open to east-westbound through traffic: North Ave, Locust and Center.
The project will remove the deteriorated pavement and replacing it with new concrete pavement, curbs & gutters, and driveway approaches. The addition of traffic calming measures, including curb bump outs and medians, will also be added. All sidewalk and pedestrian curb ramps will be rebuilt. New street lighting will be installed throughout the project and traffic signals will be replaced at intersections. The finished roadway will have one driving lane, bicycle lane and parking lane in each direction.
Pedestrian access will be maintained to abutting properties during construction with the least amount of inconvenience. Short-term disruptions will occur when sidewalks are being removed and rebuilt.
Bus Route: #12 will be re-routed via 7th/8th from Walnut to Burleigh in both directions for the entire project. Signage will be posted to indicate where to board along the detour. There are no planned detours for cross routes 21 North Ave., 22 Center St., and 80 via Locust/Hopkins. Stops impacted near these corresponding intersections will be signed to board at nearby alternatives as needed.
Parking: On-street parking is not allowed during construction.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Saturday, April 27th 2019 Community Meeting

Please note that Alderwoman Coggs and other leaders will present. Arrive at 9:50am to sign in as this is content rich and you will have questions. We are also having residents who attended the ANP program (camera surveillance, etc....) who will have additional questions and information. We will leave this session with two additional plans of action. Bring pen and paper. We also want to move forward with design ideas and secure names of helpers for things. Live your dreams in your community!!!! Address: 3879 N. Port washington Ave. (check for more information.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Saturday, April 20th, 2019 Garden-volunteers needed

This saturday at the garden:

please wear clothes to get dirty.

WE have nine tasks to complete this Saturday.

Thank you and see you Saturday 9am-11:30am.  3754 n. port washington

Churchill Caruthers Jr.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

From HR Block partner and Mr. Caruthers Jr.

Please keep the following in mind as you file and even late file.

IRS YouTube Videos:

IR-2019-49, March 20, 2019
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today wrapped up issuing its annual "Dirty Dozen" list of tax scams. The IRS reminds taxpayers to remain vigilant to these often aggressive and evolving schemes throughout the year.
This year's “Dirty Dozen” list highlights a wide variety of schemes that taxpayers may encounter at any time, although many may peak during tax-filing season. The schemes run the gamut from simple refund inflation scams to complex tax shelter deals. A common theme throughout all: Scams put taxpayers at risk.
The IRS highlighted the “Dirty Dozen” scam list in separate news releases over 12 weekdays. Taxpayers are encouraged to review the list in a special section on and be on the lookout for these ruses throughout the year.
Taxpayers should remember that they are legally responsible for what is on their tax return even if it is prepared by someone else. Consumers can help protect themselves by choosing a reputable tax preparer. For more, see the Choosing a Tax Professional page.

Here is a recap of this year's ‘Dirty Dozen’ scams:

Phishing: Taxpayers should be alert to potential fake emails or websites looking to steal personal information. The IRS will never initiate contact with taxpayers via email about a bill or tax refund. Don’t click on one claiming to be from the IRS. Be wary of emails and websites that may be nothing more than scams to steal personal information. (IR-2019-26)
Phone Scams: Phone calls from criminals impersonating IRS agents remain an ongoing threat to taxpayers. The IRS has seen a surge of these phone scams in recent years as con artists threaten taxpayers with police arrest, deportation and license revocation, among other things. (IR-2019-28)
Identity Theft: Taxpayers should be alert to tactics aimed at stealing their identities, not just during the tax filing season, but all year long. The IRS, working in conjunction with the Security Summit partnership of state tax agencies and the tax industry, has made major improvements in detecting tax return related identity theft during the last several years. But the agency reminds taxpayers that they can help in preventing this crime. The IRS continues to aggressively pursue criminals that file fraudulent tax returns using someone else’s Social Security number. (IR-2019-30)
Return Preparer Fraud: Be on the lookout for unscrupulous return preparers. The vast majority of tax professionals provide honest, high-quality service. There are some dishonest preparers who operate each filing season to scam clients, perpetuate refund fraud, identity theft and other scams that hurt taxpayers. (IR-2019-32)
Inflated Refund Claims: Taxpayers should take note of anyone promising inflated tax refunds. Those preparers who ask clients to sign a blank return, promise a big refund before looking at taxpayer records or charge fees based on a percentage of the refund are probably up to no good. To find victims, fraudsters may use flyers, phony storefronts or word of mouth via community groups where trust is high. (IR-2019-33)
Falsifying Income to Claim Credits: Con artists may convince unsuspecting taxpayers to invent income to erroneously qualify for tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit. Taxpayers should file the most accurate tax return possible because they are legally responsible for what is on their return. This scam can lead to taxpayers facing large bills to pay back taxes, interest and penalties. (IR-2019-35)
Falsely Padding Deductions on Returns: Taxpayers should avoid the temptation to falsely inflate deductions or expenses on their tax returns to pay less than what they owe or potentially receive larger refunds. Think twice before overstating deductions, such as charitable contributions and business expenses, or improperly claiming credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit. (IR-2019-36)
Fake Charities: Groups masquerading as charitable organizations solicit donations from unsuspecting contributors. Be wary of charities with names similar to familiar or nationally-known organizations. Contributors should take a few extra minutes to ensure their hard-earned money goes to legitimate charities. has the tools taxpayers need to check out the status of charitable organizations. (IR-2019-39)
Excessive Claims for Business Credits: Avoid improperly claiming the fuel tax credit, a tax benefit generally not available to most taxpayers. The credit is usually limited to off-highway business use, including use in farming. Taxpayers should also avoid misuse of the research credit. Improper claims often involve failures to participate in or substantiate qualified research activities or satisfy the requirements related to qualified research expenses. (IR-2019-42)
Offshore Tax Avoidance: Successful enforcement actions against offshore cheating show it’s a bad bet to hide money and income offshore. People involved in offshore tax avoidance are best served by coming in voluntarily and getting caught up on their tax-filing responsibilities. (IR-2019-43)
Frivolous Tax Arguments: Frivolous tax arguments may be used to avoid paying tax. Promoters of frivolous schemes encourage taxpayers to make unreasonable and outlandish claims about the legality of paying taxes despite being repeatedly thrown out in court. The penalty for filing a frivolous tax return is $5,000. (IR-2019-45)
Abusive Tax Shelters: Abusive tax structures including trusts and syndicated conservation easements are sometimes used to avoid paying taxes. The IRS is committed to stopping complex tax avoidance schemes and the people who create and sell them. The vast majority of taxpayers pay their fair share, and everyone should be on the lookout for people peddling tax shelters that sound too good to be true. When in doubt, taxpayers should seek an independent opinion regarding complex products they are offered. (IR-2019-47)