Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Youth Nominations from the Archdiocese

Dear Educator of Catholic Youth,

Since 1991, hundreds of people have had the distinction of being a recipient of the Archbishop’s Vatican II Awards for Service to the Church.  Once again this year, recipients will be selected in twelve categories of service, including two awards for the youth of this archdiocese.  The prayer service and presentation of the awards by Archbishop Listecki will take place on Thursday, November 10th, at 7:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.

We now ask your assistance once again in surfacing the names and supporting information of students that you would like to nominate to receive the Archbishop’s Vatican II Awards for Service to the Church – John Paul II Youth Award.  Two students will be selected by Archbishop Listecki to receive this award at the Vatican II Awards at St. John’s Cathedral.  Please review the criteria below and submit a nomination form for an outstanding Catholic student that is alive in the Faith.

Please send us information about your nominations by using the link to the nomination form.  You may e-mail it or send it to us by mail, but please send them to me by June 1st.  Include as much information about the efforts of your nominee as you can, since we may not be familiar with their service.  We also ask that they be able to be present the night of November 10th for receiving the award, and we will invite you and their parents to be there with them.

The link to the criteria is also included.  If you have any questions, please give me a call (414-769-3458) or e-mail them to me at tankr@archmil.org.  Thank you and hope to see you on Thursday, November 10th, 2016

Rick Tank
Director of Priest and Lay Ecclesial Personnel and Placement

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