Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Honoring our Seniors to Revive our Community Luncheon-December 10th, 2016 at 1PM

Luncheon that will honor our seniors in the 5PNA area born 1950 and before to share their stories with other adults and youth to inspire and develop proactive community planning, respect, and unity as a whole. Building relationships and cohesion, healing and working positively to solve problems using wisdom passed on is one of the goals. Food, fun, games, and stories are elements of this event. This luncheon is sponsored in large part by the Greater Milwaukee Foundation's Reasons for Hope MKE Fund. Inbox for more information. Reservation deadline Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016. Admission by ticket only: 3879 N. Port Washington Ave.
fb: 5 Points Neighborhood Association-5pna

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