Thursday, September 21, 2017

MMSD hiring from Jen White

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District is accepting applications until all funding is allocated for the opportunity below.

Official Notice

Request for Applications
Green Infrastructure Design Services

Contract No. P-2724

Applications for Green Infrastructure Design Services, Contract No. P-2724 will be accepted starting August 3, 2017 by the Procurement Department of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, 260 West Seeboth Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204 and will be accepted until all funds are allocated or until the District discontinues the program.

All inquiries regarding this request should be directed to Jen White, Procurement Specialist, (414) 225-2062  This Request for Applications is located on the District’s website at, Procurement Page, Procurement Opportunities Page, Contract No. P-2724.


Thank you.

Jen White
Procurement Specialist
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
260 West Seeboth Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204-1446

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