Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Alderwoman Coggs &Westcare's Kenneth B. ensure 5PNA has gunlocks for distribution

Good afternoon everyone,
AS we are all concerned about each other and what is occurring in the world causing us all to be on high alert, please note that Alderwoman Coggs and Westcare's Kenneth B. has provided gunlocks for 5PNA to partner and distribute the gunlocks. All we ask if that you fill out a survey that requests your zip code, age bracket , and you to keep the lock on the gun. It will provide think time for all and unwanted injuries. Keep the lock on the gun at all times even if you are allowed to carry. It will relax you, law enforcement and all others to keep promoting peace and think time to solve conflicts. Please inbox us to find out how to secure one of the locks. Keep in mind that Westcare will also have on hand.
Thanking you and keeping everyone in prayer during these turbulent times.

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