Friday, February 15, 2019

Changes to food Share requirements

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ForwardHealth Community Partners

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Updates for local agencies, community-based organizations, and providers who provide assistance to members of Wisconsin's health and nutrition public assistance programs.

Changes to FoodShare Reporting Requirements

Effective March 1, 2019, reporting requirements for elderly, blind, and disabled (EBD) FoodShare members with no earned income will be aligned with reporting requirements for all FoodShare members.
Previously, EBD FoodShare members with no earned income were required to report any change to income, address, shelter expenses, legal obligation to pay child support, and the number of people in their home within 10 days of the change occurring. Under the new policy, these members are only required to report when a change in income puts them above 130% of the federal poverty level, and they will have until the 10th of the following month in which the increase occurred to report it.

This change for EBD FoodShare members means change reporting requirements will be the same for all FoodShare members.
On March 4, 2019, a letter will be sent to all EBD FoodShare members with no earned income. This letter will inform the members of the change to the income reporting rules.

Changes to Reporting Unearned Income

Also beginning on March 1, 2019, all FoodShare members will report changes in unearned income over $100 instead of over $50 when completing a renewal or Six-Month Report form. During renewal interviews, income maintenance workers will ask FoodShare members if any of their unearned income information has changed by $100 or more from the amount currently budgeted.
If a FoodShare member is receiving other benefits like BadgerCare Plus or Medicaid, they must continue to report changes required for those programs. This change for EBD FoodShare members does not affect the reporting requirements for BadgerCare Plus and Medicaid.
The FoodShare reporting requirements that workers read out loud to applicants and members has been updated as a result of this change.

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