Sunday, October 9, 2022

Green Bay playground press conference: October 8, 2022

 Please note the video of the accomplished work on the playground.  Dr. Calhoun and Rick Alim Muhammad represented 5 Points and the over 300 residents who participated in surveys, design input, and following the development committee Annette Porter, Rick Muhammad, Cecelia Collins, Sam Sims, Betty Smith, Marion Minger, Pamela Harrell, Churchill Caruthers Jr, Dr. Andrew Calhoun, Dan Shinkle, and Lynn Grebes (MPS) who tirelessly worked together.

Thank you to those who showed up, participated and passed out information:  Heddy Keith, Dawn Powell and a few others. 

As Mother Atwater saud this is love and community in action.

Your 5pna team,

asc; sy

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